8 Time Management errors to fix on this 2022


 Most of the time, we think to use our energy and organizational skills when necessary or when we are filled with tasks. However, this should be a skill to be applied every day. 

Here are the 8 errors to fix if you want to maximize your time management. 

1.- The Famous Trap

Most of us usually think that being constantly busy and running meetings throughout the day means we are productive. This is the most famous trap that entrepreneurs face. Remember that being in unnecessary meetings is not what success looks like. 

2.- Reduce the volume of tasks

It sounds obvious, right? If we take out those meetings or tasks, let’s reduce the number of jobs we do not need. This practice is an immediate solution to the famous trap.

3.- Replace regular decisions with principles

Suppose you know that you have your 8:30 AM meeting on Monday, set up a regular meeting invite to everyone, and make it clear this is a principle. In that case, you can save time and energy by reminding everyone that this is a regular activity.

4.- The power of compromise

There is always a kind of distraction that pushes us away from being productive throughout our day. Compromise to block those apps or close those social media websites that slow your progress on that specific task.

5.- Undervaluing the time something will take to be done

Another trap we get into is the undervaluation of time. Sometimes we think, “I got this. It should take me 5 minutes so that I can finish it later.” This is a common way for us not to take action. If you have time right now, do it!

6.- Micro breaks 

I understand that we need breaks between to relax and be ready to continue working, but I would recommend having micro-breaks of 10 minutes max. We want to use that productive momentum and push you to finish those tasks. 

7.- Wasting time looking for documents

Has it happened to you that you wasted 20 minutes just looking at that particular document you need? It is imperative to prepare one day before that report you need to fill out—no time to waste.

8.- The “Learning from mistakes” approach.

Yes, we all want to be perfect and achieve excellence. However, most of the time, management authors in the entrepreneurial world recommend giving it a shot before it’s too late. It is better to have a task completed and make minor changes than do not submit it at all. 

I hope these errors make you think of the most common thieves that try to get productivity out of our hands. Time management is a skill that few masteries, and ironically, it is needed in the world. 

You may also like to read: 3 questions that will make you recharge your productivity.